
Olympus viewer 3 movie
Olympus viewer 3 movie

This graph shows the loss of contrast (y-axis) as a function of the spatial frequency in line pairs per picture height (x-axis) for different ISO-sensitivities (colored lines). The further to the right a curve stretches before descending, the better the resolution at that ISO. The limiting resolution for each ISO can be found by identifying to the highest spatial frequency which results in a contrast of 0.1, or where the ISO curve crosses the thicker horizontal thicker black line marking 0.1. OLYMPUS VIEWER 3 SETTINGS FOR OMD EM10 PLUSĪt ISO 1600, the measured MTF50 of 741 line pairs per picture height in high contrast compares fairly well to 522 line pairs per picture height in low-contrast parts of a scene.At ISO 200, MTF50 is similar in high- and low-contrast parts of a scene (978 line pairs per picture height at high contrast, 799 at low contrast).Although MTF50 of images shot of high-contrast scenes declines with each step upwards in ISO, the difference at lower ISOs is not great (978 line pairs per picture height at ISO 200, 897 at ISO 400, 741 at ISO 1600, 753 at ISO 3200, dropping to 523 at the highest native ISO of 6400).Relatively many artifacts are produced by the Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III, more than by its predecessor.The vertical pink line is a reference representing half the number of pixels in the sensor height (the Nyquist frequency).OLYMPUS VIEWER 3 SETTINGS FOR OMD EM10 ISO.

#Olympus viewer 3 movie full#


Olympus viewer 3 movie